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Maintaining a High Workplace Morale – DSJ Breakdown

The shift in the overall attitude of the United States workforce is a trend that is being seen by business owners all over the country. With terms such as “quiet quitting” becoming mainstream, it is important that business owners do the best they can to improve and maintain the high morale of their employees.

Curiosity Drives Creativity 

A study that was conducted in 2022 suggests that workers who have a higher sense of curiosity tend to be more engaged, joyful, and ultimately more productive when they are at work. According to psychotherapist Amy Morin, high curiosity will not only improve the morale of an individual but can boost it for the entire workplace as well. “It gives them an opportunity to grow while feeling valued in the process — and sets the example that asking questions is a valuable part of our culture,” she also said. Allowing people to provide creative solutions and question certain aspects of the company will lead to a company that is more innovative.

Keeping Employees Engaged

Lauren Henkin is the CEO of The Humane Space of Rockland Maine. She believes that managers and supervisors play an integral role in keeping employees engaged and productive. “Managers can set an example, too, by also asking more questions. Often, my natural inclination is to offer an opinion or an answer to the question posed, but by asking questions instead, employees are encouraged to find a resolution themselves. It gives them an opportunity to grow while feeling valued in the process — and sets the example that asking questions is a valuable part of our culture,” she said. When Managers and supervisors push the envelope and encourage questions, more people will take part in the finding of answers, which ultimately drives engagement. When an employee is engaged and has less downtime to dwell, on any potential negatives, a higher employee morale should be expected.

Wrap Up

Ever since the pandemic, the current generation of U.S. workers is changing, with more options and high expectations. In order to avoid high employee turnover, focusing on morale is something that can be done by managers, supervisors, and business owners.

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