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Gov. Hochul Looks to Ban Menthol, and Boost Tax on Tobacco Products

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is taking a strong stance against smoking by looking to ban menthol cigarettes and boost taxes on all tobacco products. Her proposed plan comes as smoking remains a leading cause of preventable death in the United States, and the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the dangers of respiratory health issues.

Menthol Smokers More at Risk

Menthol cigarettes have long been a popular choice among smokers, particularly among African Americans, but they have been shown to pose greater health risks than non-menthol cigarettes. The FDA has stated that menthol cigarettes can make it easier to start smoking and harder to quit, and studies have shown that they may contribute to increased rates of lung cancer, heart disease, and other serious health problems.

Governor Hochul’s proposed ban on menthol cigarettes is a bold move to help reduce the number of smokers in the state and improve public health outcomes. By removing the option of menthol cigarettes, the hope is that fewer people will start smoking, and more people will be motivated to quit.

Tobacco Tax Increase

In addition to the menthol cigarette ban, Governor Hochul is also proposing a significant increase in taxes on all tobacco products. The tax increase would make cigarettes more expensive and could help discourage smokers by making the habit even more costly. It could also provide additional revenue for the state, which could be used to fund public health programs, such as smoking cessation programs and education campaigns.

Governor Hochul’s proposed plan is expected to face significant opposition from tobacco companies, as well as some lawmakers who may view it as an infringement on personal freedom. However, the benefits of reducing smoking and improving public health outcomes are clear. Smoking is a major contributor to preventable deaths in the United States, and the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of respiratory health.

Wrap Up

By banning menthol cigarettes and increasing taxes on all tobacco products, Governor Hochul is taking an important step to reduce smoking rates and improve public health outcomes in New York. If successful, this could serve as a model for other states to follow and could help save countless lives in the years to come.

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