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Building a Positive Work Culture – DSJ Breakdown

When it comes to workplace morale, business owners and their HR managers have a lot of factors to consider when trying to make the workplace positive overall. One thing that can be underestimated is how much words can carry on an employee, whether that is in a positive or negative way. In this article, we will go over a few words and phrases that will help keep the workplace upbeat and positive.

Show Optimism

As a manager or any leader in a business setting, their outlook toward the daily workload will rub off on their employees. That is why having an optimistic outlook towards things as a leader is very important, as it will be contagious for everyone else working around them and give people a truer meaning for their everyday tasks.

Leadoff Positive

Whether it is the start of a meeting, the beginning of an email, or just a conversation, managers should always start off with something meaningful and positive. Starting off with good news or sharing company success will set a positive tone for interactions. Additionally, people will look to contribute meaningful and positive insight if the tone is set in the correct way.

Ask the Right Questions

As an employer or manager, asking the right questions to your employees can help them feel more heard and make their job feel even more worthwhile. Asking employees questions such as “What is something good you’ve done for the company that no one knows about?” or “What have you done recently that has made you feel proud or successful?” By asking these questions, employees begin to think about the positives of their job. Additionally, asking these questions can strengthen the relationship between managers and their employees, as it shows the manager cares and the employees are being heard.

Praise Hard Work

According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, more than 30% of employees say they have not been recognized for their work within the past year. Experts in this area say that employees that are recognized for their hard work tend to think very highly of the company they work for. So as a manager, if an employee is working hard and producing good work, don’t be afraid to call it out!

Wrap Up

There are many reasons business owners should have positivity as a pillar to the companies culture. Just like the way positive energy is contagious, so is negative energy. Having a negative morale can result in high employee turnover and low productivity. But by doing a few simple things, all employees, managers, and business owners can be happy and productive.

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